Cafe Church Services

On the last Sunday of each month, we do our 10.30am service a bit differently and have Cafe Church where all ages worship, pray and reflect on the bible together.

What to expect

At our Cafe Church services, we sit round tables with drinks and biscuits and you are free to get a top-up throughout the service. On the tables are colouring sheets, fidget toys and play dough for you to use throughout the service – whether you are an adult or child! Like any other service, we still sing hymns and songs, read the bible, pray and listen to a talk. However, the talk might be a bit shorter and suitable for all-age and is always followed by an opportunity to reflect on the topic yourself and/or with the people around you. There will be optional discussion questions and some sort of craft activity for those that want to reflect or respond this way. For those who would prefer to sit quietly by themselves, there is also space provided for this – no one will be forced to interract with others.